Upcoming LabLitArch workshop in Jerusalem
In May, the Laboratory of Literary Architecture will be heading to Jerusalem where we will hold a full, 6-day workshop organized by the Hebrew University's Graduate Program in Cultural Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, in collaboration…

Upcoming presentations and a mini-workshop in NYC
This spring we will hold a short LabLitArch session in New York City at a CUNY Classics Graduate Student Conference (on April 8) and we will present it in Rome at the Università Roma 3 (on April 18) and at the Università Tor Vergata (on…

Upcoming LabLitArch in Switzerland
A free, open-to-everyone edition of the Laboratory of Literary Architecture will be held in Valposchiavo, Switzerland, on December 9, 10, 11, and 12, 2015. Please see the promotional card below. The workshop will be held in both Italian and…

Upcoming LabLitArch workshop for architects
The Turin (Italy) architecture festival Architettura in città will be held from June 30 through July 4. The organizers, Fondazione dell'Ordine degli Architetti di Torino (FOAT), and LabLitArch have planned a three-day Laboratory of Literary…

Recent two-day LabLitArch workshop at EggersLab in Turin
A nice, two-day LabLitArch workshop held at EggersLab in Turin. See here, here, and here for some images and reports.

LabLitArch featured in the Paris Review Daily
"Cardboard, Glue, and Storytelling," the Paris Review Daily introduces the Laboratory of Literary Architecture new website and new promotional video.

Upcoming workshops
The Laboratory of Literary Architecture will be at:
The Architecture Department of the University of Ferrara, Italy, with first-year architecture students (Spring 2015)
The International School of Genoa, Italy, with high-school students…

LabLitArch feature in ArchitectureBoston magazine
"I have always marveled at the ability of great architects to envision construction in terms of pure space. Shapes, materials, and technology are all elements necessary to define emptiness — what we, the visitors, ultimately perceive."

Archinect post on the Laboratory of Literary Architecture
"The writer and the architect aren't so different from each other when you consider each one as builders of an environment, and what better way to introduce that concept than to a class of high school students."
Another great post by Archinect…

The first LabLitArch student blog
I just stumbled upon this, a great 2011 blog from the second edition of the LabLitArch course at the Scuola Holden. With works and posts by Chiara Zingariello, Ferdinando Morgana, Gabriele Di Fronzo, Letizia Lavarino, Giovanni Sanicola, Andrea…