A New York Times / Learning Network post on LabLitArch
A great post by the New York Times / Learning Network on the Montgomery Blair High School LabLitArch project by George Mayo.
Spring of 2016: LabLitArch and OuLiPo
In the spring of 2016, Matteo Pericoli, together with a selected team of LabLitArch TAs, will participate in an OuLiPo (Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle) experiment titled “An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Manhattan & the Laboratory…
The Common
“Experience is the axis on which the Laboratory of Literary Architecture spins. The Laboratory for Literary Architecture pushes students to compose through their model a fictional architectural experience. Donald Bartheleme’s Concerning…
The Observer
“When we read a novel, a short story or a work of non-fiction, there is often a moment when we have the feeling that we have entered a structure built, knowingly or unknowingly, by the writer. I am not talking about the ability to picture…
The Paris Review
“One Friday evening in March, I took the train to Columbia University and walked into one of the strangest and most interesting classes I’d ever seen. It was the Laboratory of Literary Architecture, part of the Mellon Visiting Artists and…